Killer Mike Criticizes Hillary Clinton at Bernie Sanders Rally

Killer Mike Criticizes Hillary Clinton at Bernie Sanders Rally

Photo via Killer Mike's Instagram

Last August, Black Lives Matter protestors interrupted a Bernie Sanders rally in Seattle. Sanders allowed them to take the stage before organizers ended the event. This past week, another activist for the movement interrupted Hillary Clinton during a speech in South Carolina. The protestor questioned Clinton's political record, the two had a brief back-and-forth, and then the visitor was escorted away from the event. Sanders' biggest Jewel-Running supporter Killer Mike has been in South Carolina to campaign for Sanders for the state's Democratic primary election (which takes place today). Last night, in a speech at Claflin University, Mike strongly criticized Clinton for not allowing the protestor to speak, compared to Sanders, who stepped aside upon interruption. Watch Mike's speech, as well as the incident at the Clinton rally below, via Stereogum.

In addition to speaking at Claflin, Mike appeared on MSNBC. In an interview with Chris Hayes, he talks about his history of political activism, as well as the role he plays in the campaign as a rapper. Mike also suggests that Sanders trails Clinton in the South Carolina polls because her name is better known than his. (Clinton has since won the primary election.) Watch the whole thing below.

Killer Mike recently caught some flak for comments he made about Hillary Clinton, stating that "a uterus doesn't qualify you to be president of the United States. You have to have policy that's reflective of social justice." Mike later clarified, however, that he was quoting a progressive woman who had spoken to him about why she wasn't planning to vote for Clinton.

Mike has been very busy throughout this election cycle. He interviewed Sanders at length in December. He's also spoken at a Sanders rally in Atlanta, talked about him on "Colbert," been on a panel with him about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and represented him in a post-debate spin room. Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog even interviewed Mike in a 2016 election special.

In addition to his work for Bernie, Mike discussed the controversy surrounding Beyoncé's "Formation" on HBO's "Real Time With Bill Maher." He also recently penned an op-ed for CNN about a Supreme Court case concerning rap and the First Amendment.

Read our feature "Run the Jewels: Last Rappers Standing."

Watch Killer Mike and El-P on an episode of's "Over/Under":

via Matthew Strauss

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