Star Spotting: Miley Cyrus Wore Pajamas To The Airport + Her Unicorn Slippers Are Our New Spirit Animal (PHOTO)

Miley Cyrus rocks footie pajamas in public like a BOSS.

Miley puts her unicorn slippers on one foot at the time #JustLikeUs. Wait.

We know that the name Miley Cyrus is pretty synonymous with half-naked twerking, tongue wagging, and foam finger grinding right now, but we'd like to take a sec to highlight another side of Miley -- the one that loves wearing the cutest pajamas EVER! Just brace yourselves for cuteness overload, and check out the patterned sleepwear that she wore to the airport to catch a New Jersey-bound flight. (Quick Fact: Only celebs are allowed to do that, NOT YOU.)

The unicorn is back in slipper form! We repeat: UNICORN SLIPPERS! Here we thought teddy bears were Miley's only plush obsession -- WRONG! Excuse us while we bow down to these slippers forever because we have officially found our new spirit animal.

But we're curious as to whom the "Wrecking Ball" singer is talking to on the phone. Maybe it's Kanye West inquiring about their rumored "Black Skinhead" remix. Or, perhaps it's Britney Spears giving Miley some props for keeping their Bangerz collabo a secret for so long. No wait, maaaaaybe (and just go with us on this one) it's one of those Boo bears from her VMA performance in tears because he just found out that Ms. Cyrus is cheating on him with some adorable unicorn slippers. (Like any relationship, plushie monogamy requires lots of communication.)

Photo credit: PCN

via Byron Flitsch

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