Listen: James Murphy Previews Music for New York City Subway Stations

Listen: James Murphy Previews Music for New York City Subway Stations

James Murphy recently revealed his ambitious ideas for reimagining the sounds of New York City's subway stations. His hope is to create a system wherein turnstile swipe tones shift as stations fill up with more riders, so that turnstiles will effectively be playing pleasant music as the frequency of swipes increases. WSJ has a new clip of Murphy discussing his ideas, along with a brief preview of what the proposed tones would sound like.

"I started noticing that the subway sounds quite brutal," Murphy says. "There's a missing opportunity at the turnstile." That opportunity could be seized as New York prepares to begin a big project to reposition the subway turnstiles to increase efficiency in stations. "Given that all that information is already at the turnstile, why don't we just make it a nice sound? Just make it pleasant."

Sounds like a nice idea, right? But New York City officials aren't really buying it—MTA spokesman Adam Lisberg told the WSJ that the current sounds are grating because of a "natural technical variation and we don't really care." He also pointed out that many people have had similar ideas over the years, and it would require a lot of resources "for an art project." So Murphy has ramped up his efforts with a website and a petition for the project—find it here.

Watch Murphy talk about the project and preview the sounds:

via Carrie Battan

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